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"Unified quantitative model of AMPA receptor trafficking at synapses

in PNAS  - by Olivier Thoumine

Autres articles de l'équipe: 

Letellier, M., Szíber, Z., Chamma, I., Saphy, C., Papasideri, I., Tessier, B., ... & Thoumine, O. (2018). A unique intracellular tyrosine in neuroligin-1 regulates AMPA receptor recruitment during synapse differentiation and potentiation. Nature communications9(1), 1-17.

Références :

Guang Yang, Alan Huang, Shanshan Zhu and Wei Xiong. (2006). It Is Time to Move: Role of Lateral Diffusion in AMPA Receptor Trafficking. Journal of Neuroscience, 26(36) 9082-9083. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3018-06.2006

Czöndör, K., Mondin, M., Garcia, M., Heine, M., Frischknecht, R., Choquet, D., … Thoumine, O. R. (2012). Unified quantitative model of AMPA receptor trafficking at synapses. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America109(9), 3522–3527. doi:10.1073/pnas.1109818109

Daniel  Choquet, Brahim  Lounis. (2008) Mobilité des récepteurs du glutamate - Un nouveau mécanisme de contrôle de la transmission synaptique rapide dans le cerveau. Med Sci (Paris) 24 (5) 548-550. doi: 10.1051/medsci/2008245548

Compans, B., Choquet, D., & Hosy, E. (2016). Review on the role of AMPA receptor nano-organization and dynamic in the properties of synaptic transmission. Neurophotonics3(4), 041811.
